Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Applebee's commercials are so bad. Nothing calls for a MUTE like an applebee's commercial. There are plenty of commercials that i will mute, but applebee's commercials are a MUST. Now most commercials that have jingles are mute-worthy, but there is something so irritating about hearing songs you recognize with lyrics talking about Chicken Fajitas. If you ask my brother Tom, he'll tell you that 800-588-2300 Empire, should in fact be muted. I tend to disagree. This is a great jingle. Another popular muted candidate that i can't turn off, are the Fitness Made Simple commercials. This line of commercials really cracks me up. What the hell is a fitness celebrity? Who the hell is John Basedow? We all know now. Seriously people, take a look at this guy. He now has blonde hair.... not that he looked like a total freak before.

No tricky dance moves, no high impact gyrations. It's fitness made simple, changing real lives.
God i love this commercial.


MotherOf3Guys said...

You may not like the Applebee's commercial but I really like their chicken fried chicken!

Cheryl said...

Don't forget about the Eastern Motors commercial!!!

Gorilla Hero said...

you need to get some Tivo - it's better than mute - so I hear

Jeff said...

Eastern motors, where your JOB is your CREDIT!

Cara Maria McDonough said...

Olive Garden - worst ever.

Jeff said...

"i'm looking for my date.....and his shoes might be untied." she needs to date in her age range...